Come join us in the Nordic world of weaving!

In The Weaver’s Pick you will find wonderful weaving patterns and good ideas for weaving. The site also provides useful instructions and tips on the technique and theory of weaving.  As a member, you can and get access to all digital content.

Individual weaving patterns can be purchased by anyone from the Pattern Library.


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Membership is valid for one year from the date of purchase. You will receive a notification when your membership is about to expire, at which point you can renew your subscription.

By becoming a member of The Weaver's Pick, you support the continuation of Finnish handweaving as a living tradition. The Mallikerta pages are maintained by Kankaankutojan Mallisto ry, a non-profit association.



With our digital collection of patterns we want to bring the most beautiful designs into your loom.

Browse The Weaver´s Pick inspirational patterns for your weaving projects.

Tube on a table loom

Tube on a table loom

Tubular double weave is normally woven into one continuing tube, but narrow horizontal tube sections can also be weaved into the same warp.

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