- A dyer blanket 3701 a blanket of natural dye - Roving throw blanket 3702 -Christmas lights 3703 poppana tablerunner - Christmas sheaf 3704 poppana tablerunner - Turquoise sky 3705 transparent room divider - Pulse rug 3706 - Patchwork rug 3707 - ...
The Weaver’s Pick
Browse the magazines or download any issue for yourself as a PDF file. In addition to the digital editions of The Weaver’s Pick, we will publish theme issues, each with a select collection of patterns. Special issues introducing various techinques will also be published.
You will have access to all the magazines by becoming a member. In addition to all digital magazines, the membership fee also covers the individual patterns listed in the Weaving Library.
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Membership is valid for one year at a time for as long as you wish to continue it. As a member, you will have access to the digital editions of The Weaver’s Pick. You will also be able to download them for yourself, along with individual patterns, in PDF format.
The selection of digital magazines will be added to regularly, as past issues of The Weaver’s Pick are digitalised.
Sign up to get access to all magazines and patterns!
Membership is valid for one year at a time for as long as you wish to continue it. As a member, you will have access to the digital editions of The Weaver’s Pick. You will also be able to download them for yourself, along with individual patterns, in PDF format.
The selection of digital magazines will be added to regularly, as past issues of The Weaver’s Pick are digitalised.
You will have access to these digital magazines
And many more…
You will have access to these digital magazines
The Weaver’s Pick 3 -2019
- The linen blouse fabric 3693 - Landscape curtains 3694 warp dyed fabric - The cloud scarf 3695 - Triple colour rag rugs 3696 - Two colour rug 3697 - A blue jean rug 3698 - A warp for hot pads 3699 - Patterns weaved in table loom - Dishcloths 3700 - ...
The Weaver’s Pick 2 -2019
- Charming scarfs 3687 - Löyly 3788 linen sauna textiles - Goblin of the sauna 3689 sauna textiles - Rep bands 3690 - On the beach 3691 sunbathing mattress and a paper yarn tote - Grandma's Veranda 3692 - pillow fabrics - Cut the bias strips from cotton...
The Weaver’s Pick 1 -2019
- Blaze of Colour 3679 scarf in a partly dyed warp - Winter Fire 3680 scarf - Silver Moon 3681 linen rep weave table runner - Edge of a Cloud 3682 rug - Crossing Point 3683 clasped weft rug - Bedside rugs 3684 - The Evergreens 3685 a runner, hot pads and...
The Weaver’s Pick 4 -2018
3671 Linen-Sparkle - 3672 Paper-Sparkle - 3673 Leafy rug - 3674 Leafy Edge rug - 3675 Tablet case - 3676 Triangle scarf - Card, spin, and weave 3677 Taika-potrait - 3678 Tennessee Flower