Do you have a warp for poppana already on the loom? Weave a sauna seat cover and a small sauna pillow to the warp with poppana and self-cut cotton strips. With an easy technique you´ll get a new look for the fabric: Pick up cotton pearl strings with a knitting needle onto the fabric.

The warp 6-ply Cotton twine, tex 30×6,
1 kg = approx. 5 300 m, unbleached
Warp width 42 cm
the sett 4 ends/cm
number of warp ends 168 + 4
amount of warp yarn needed 325 g
Length 10 m
Reed 1 per dent in a 40-dent reed (metric) = 40/1
Structure Plain weave, weft looped weave


The colours are well displayed in the cotton pearls that are picked up from the multicoloured fabric. The fabric is cut straight along the threads from cotton sheet fabric.

Sauna seat cover

Finished size 40 x 77 cm


Start and finish the fabric by weaving 0,8 cm with doubled unbleached 6-ply cotton twine for the inner hem allowance. Weave the fabric by alternating two shots of poppana and one shot of self-cut cotton strip. Pick up pearls from the cotton strip shot. The length of the cotton pearl strings are 3 – 8 cm. Place strings freely on the fabric. The sett is 6 picks/cm. The woven length is 82 cm.

Poppana strip, width 10 mm, Poppanavakka
5705 red 190 g

Self-cut cotton strip, width 10 mm
red-lilac multicoloured 150 g
The fabric is cut straight along the threads from cotton sheet fabric.

6-ply cotton twine 5 g for the hems

Tie the warp ends 2 + 2 with overhand knots. Fold the warp threads on top of the hem and sew. Trim the threads. Sew the hem by hand using a strong sewing thread.


Small sauna pillow

Finished size 20 x 18 cm

Start and finish the fabric by weaving 0,8 cm with doubled unbleached 6-ply cotton twine for the seam. Weave the fabric by alternating two shots of poppana and one shot of self-cut cotton strip. The sett is 6 picks/cm. The woven length is 22 cm.

Poppana strip, width 10 mm, Poppanavakka
5705 red 53 g

Self-cut cotton strip, width 10 mm
red-lilac multicoloured 29 g

6-ply cotton twine 5 g for the seams

Tie the warp ends 2 + 2 with overhand knots. Sew 4 pcs strings á 30 cm of cotton bias tape. Fold the piece in half right sides together. Place the strings between the fabrics and pin 2 cm away from the corners. Sew the raw edges. Turn the right side out. Sew a matching sized inner cushion and slip in the pillow case. Sew the open edge by hand.

How to pick up cotton loops

The structure is tabby. Weave the fabric by alternating two shoots of poppana strips and one shoot of self-cut cotton strip.

Start to pull up loops from the side you shuttled the weft in. Pull up loops from self-cut cotton strip weft.

Use a 5 mm knitting needle for picking.


1.  Shoot the weft in and keep the shed open. Pull up loops on the knitting needle from the space between the rising warp ends. Leave always two rising warp ends between each picked loop.

2.  Beat the looped weft in.

3.  Weave two poppana strip wefts.

4.  Draw out the knitting needle and continue weaving.

Tip: You can also pick up several looping rows sequentially as a pearl surface. Shoot always two poppana wefts between the picked rows.