Table runner and pillows

Making these designs is pure joy, I hope you enjoy weaving these as much I did.

The threading is straight on four shafts and treadling is also straight; tabby and rep treadles alternat. Weave one pillow with tabby. A small change on the structure makes the fabric surface interesting.

The main colors are light red No. 4, ½-bleached white No. 1 and unbleached No. 0. Change the light red to a silver-gray and you get a new different look.

Weaving tip: Do not use floating selvages, you get even edges if you weave with two shuttles.


The warp Linen 16/4, tex 4 x 104, 1 kg = approx. 2400 m,
unbleached No. 0
Warp width 44 cm
density 6 threads/cm
amount of warp ends 264
Length 5 m
Reed 30/2
Weave Tabby and rep
The weft Linen 16/2, tex 2 x 104, 1 kg = approx. 4900 m
Density of the weave 9 threads/cm (weft)
Note: the weft thinner than the warp.


Table runner

Finished size 42 x 150 cm

1. Border 2 cm tabby light red weft and 7 cm by alternating tabby and rep treadles using ligth red weft.

2. Stripe 41 cm tabby unbleached and rep ligth red.

3. Stripe 2 cm by alternating tabby and rep using white weft. Weave all the time with two shuttles to keep the edges even and smooth!

4. Stripe 27 cm by alternating tabby and rep using unbleached weft, again with two shuttles!

5. Stripe 41 cm tabby unbleached and rep white.

6. Stripe 3 cm by alternating tabby and rep using light red weft.

7. Stripe 34 cm tabby unbleached and rep white.

8. Border 7 cm by alternating tabby and rep using unbleached weft and 2 cm tabby using unbleached weft. 


Sew 3-step zigzag stitches on the ends. Fold and iron the border 3 cm on the right side, 3 cm on the backside and inside allowance 2,5 cm. Machine stitch the borders and sew the open ends by hand.


Color No. 0 unbleached 80 g, ½-bleached = white 65 g and No. 4 light red (or silver-gray) 30 g.

Pillow 1

Finished size 40 x 40 cm

1. Stripe 27,5 cm tabby unbleached and rep light red

2. Stripe 15 cm by alternating tabby and rep using white weft.

3. Stripe 15 cm by alternating tabby and rep using unbleached weft.

4. Stripe 27,5 cm tabby unbleached and rep white.


Color No. 0 unbleached 35 g, ½-bleached = white 25 g and No.4 ligth red (or silver-gray) 10 g.

Pillow 2, tabby

Finished size 40 x 40 cm

1. Stripe 27,5 cm light red

2. Stripe 15 cm alternating unbleached and light red

3. Stripe 15 cm alternating unbleached and white

4. Stripe 27,5 cm unbleached


Color No. 0 unbleached 42 g, 4 light red (or silver-gray) 30 g and ½-bleached = white 7 g.


Sew 3-step zigzag stitches on the ends. Fold the fabric between stripes 2 and 3 in half and measure 42 cm. Iron a folding in that place for placing an invisible zipper. Machine stitch a white invisible zipper and then sew the edges.

Yarn and pattern inquiries:
Lappajärven Värjäämö Oy, +358 (0)40 8385449,


Summer curtain, genuine joy of creation!

Design: Satu Somero, Pisa Design & Lappajärven Värjäämö
Size: width 135 cm
Yarn: Finnish Linen 16/2, 1 kg = n. 4900 m, 2 different shades

Equipments: circular knitting needle size 20.
Choose two shades of linen yarn that you like.


1. Place the yarn bobbins in a stand, for example into a laundry basket with rods. Take a yarn end from both bobbins and cast on 75 sts with two ends.

2. Work garter sts. Slip the edge stitch.

3. Work until piece measures 240 cm. Note that the curtain becomes longer after hanging. You can stretch the curtain a little when measuring.

4. Cast off and weave in ends.

5. Enjoy the finished work by hanging it with curtain hangers or by piercing a thin curtain rod through the knitting.

Yarn and pattern inquiries:
Lappajärven Värjäämö Oy, +358 (0)40 8385449,


Linen Pot trio

To hold and to cover!

Pattern: Satu Somero, Pisa Design & Lappajärven Värjäämö
Three sizes: Giant, medium, small.

Yarn: Finnish Veera linen yarn in bleached (nro 1) and linen (nro 2) colors. Linen cord in bleached (nro 1), linen (nro 2) and silver grey (20)
Technique: Crochet with doubled yarn. Pattern is done with single crochet (sc). Take note that the starting stitch and the stitch on the hook do not count as stitched.


Small pot: 110 g linen cord color silver grey (nro 20), 20 g linen yarn color linen (nro 2), 60 g linen colored Veera (nro 2)

Medium pot: 260 g linen cord in colors silver grey (nro 17) and linen (nro 2), and 120 g of linen (nro 2) Veera.

Giant pot: 500 g of white (nro 1) and linen (nro 2) colored linen cord and 240 g linen (nro 2) colored Veera

chain stitch (ch), slip stitch (sl st), single crochet (sc), stitch (s)

Pattern for the giant pot

h 24 cm Ø 31 cm

round: make 5 chain stitches with white linen cord and linen colored Veera and close them off with a slip stitch (sl st) to a ring, take yarn through the first chain stitch and pull it through the stitch on hook.
round: 1 ch, 9 single crochet (sc) to ring, end the round with slip stitch to the first stitch.
round: 1 ch, *2 sc to one stitch, 1 sc* repeat through the round = 16s
round: 1 ch, *2 sc, 2 sc to one stitch* 1 sc = 21s
round: 1 ch, *2 sc, 2 sc to one stitch* =28s
round: 1 ch, *2 sc, 2 sc to one stitch* 2sc =38s
round: no increases =38s
round: 1 ch, *2 sc to one stitch and 3 sc* =48s
round: 1 ch, *2 sc to one stitch and 3 sc* =56s
round: no increases = 56s
round: 1 ch, *2 sc to one stitch and 3 sc* =69s
round: no increases =69s
round: 1 ch, *2 sc to one stitch and 4 sc* 2 sc =84s
round: no increases =84s
round: no increases =84s
round, start of the edge round. Make single crochet stitches to the back loops, no increases.

Edges of the pot:
17 – 35 rounds, make single crochet stitches with same color as the base.
36. – 41. rounds, change the color of linen yarn to same as Veera linen, and do final 5 rounds in single crochet. Finally cut yarns, pull them through the loop on hook, tighten and finish off the ends.

Pattern for the medium size pot

Make rounds 1-9 same as in giant pot, with linen colored linen cord and white Veera.

Start of the edge round, make single crochet stitches to the back loops, no increases.

Now do the edge rounds 11-24 with same colors, in total 13 rounds.
On rounds 25-30 change linen cord to silver grey color and make 5 rounds single crochet. Cut yarn and pull it through the loop on hook, tighten and finish off the ends.

Pattern for the small pot

Make rounds 1-7 same as in giant pot, with silver grey linen cord and linen colored Veera.

On round 8, start the edge round, Make single crochet to the back loops of previous round, no increases.

Now do the edge rounds 9-18 with same colors, in total 9 rounds.

On rounds 19-21 switch linen cord to linen color and single crochet 3 rounds, cut yarn and pull it through the loop on hook, tighten and finish off the ends. 


Delightful crocheted linenwool carpet

Oh how lovely!

Pattern: Satu Somero, Pisa Design & Lappajärven Värjäämö
Size: 65 x 85cm
Yarn: Finnish linen cord, tex 2×1250 and Esme wool carpet yarn

Crochet hook size: nro 10
Technique: Crochet with doubled yarn. Take note that the start stitch and the stitch on the hook are not count as stitches in this pattern.

Amount of yarn needed: 140g unbleaced linen cord (nro 2), 250g silver grey (nro 20), 500g black (nro 12) linen cord and 800g of beige Esme wool yarn.
Else: You can also do this model with doubled linen yarn.
Abbreviations: chain stitch (ch), single crochet (sc), half double crochet (hdc)

row: Make 36 chain stitches with silver grey linen and beige wool (ch).
row: Turn the work around and crochet single crochet stitches to each chain stitch.
row: 2 ch, skip first stitch and to the second stitch * 3 hdc, 2 ch, skip two stitches* repeat 11 times, 2 ch, skip two stitches, 2 hdc to the last stitch.
row: 2 ch, *3 hdc to one stitch and 2 ch over two stitches* 2 hdc to the last stitch.
rows: do as row 4 back and forth.
Switch silver grey to unbleached linen, do not cut beige wool yarn.
– 13 rows: 2 ch *3hdc and 2 ch over two stitches* 2 hdc to last stitch.
Switch unbleached linen to black linen yarn, do not cut beige wool yarn.
14. – 29. rows: 2 ch *3hdc and 2 ch over two stitches* 2 hdc to the last stitch.
Cut yarns and pull them through the loop on the hook. Tighten and finish off the ends. Stretch and steam lightly with iron so the carpet will take it’s shape.

Enjoy your work, Well done!

Yarn and pattern inquiries:
Lappajärven Värjäämö Oy, +348 (0)40 8385449, | Oravanpesä 16 | 85100 Kalajoki | Finland